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Translation and Localization Services (L10N)

MadTranslations Case Study Library

Language Translation Services Reviews

Learn how companies are using MadTranslations to streamline translation management, reduce costs, and ensure localized content is functionally, linguistically, and culturally flawless.

InfinityQS Cuts Time and Costs to Deliver Documentation in Four Languages by Using MadCap Software and MadTranslations Service

“Working with MadCap Software and MadTranslations is saving our company tens of thousands of dollars every quarter.”

David Wright
Technical Writer | InfinityQS International, Inc.

HeartFlow Delivers Documentation in 12 Languages Up to 10 Times Faster Using Content Experience Management and Translation Solutions from MadCap Software

“We save money, since MadTranslations only localizes an export of the new or updated content. And of course, we have the translation memory, which builds over time, so there’s no cost for anything that has already been translated.”

Stuart Escobar
Senior Technical Writer | HeartFlow Inc.

Corpay Cross-Border Payment Platform Enables Payments in Seven Languages with Support from MadCap Software’s MadTranslations

“With MadTranslations’ extensive experience and quick delivery times, it was easy to go back and forth with the team for various translation projects, including full manuals and user guides.”

Maria Figueira
Product Operations Manager | Corpay, a FLEETCOR Brand

TotalTrax Delivers Fleet Tracking Solutions and Documentation for Warehouse, Industrial, and Manufacturing Environments in Multiple Languages with MadTranslations

“With MadTranslations’ extensive experience and quick delivery times, it was easy to go back and forth with the team for various translation projects, including full manuals and user guides.”

Thelma Marshall
Director of Product Management | TotalTrax, Inc.

IDeaS Revenue Management Solutions Partners with MadTranslations for Localization in Six Languages for 124 Countries

“MadTranslations was a natural choice for our translation goals. We had confidence in MadCap Software and its products overall, and we were confident about their commitment to quality and stellar customer service.”

Vicky Simon
Principal Technical Communicator | IDeaS

Snap-on Business Solutions Relies on MadCap Software and MadTranslations to Deliver Documentation and Accurate Translations in Over 30 Languages

“When we found out that MadCap Software had their own translation service, we checked into their quality and pricing, and found it to be the clear choice for our needs.”

Sara Prentice-Manela
Technical Writer | Snap-on

Primozone Relies on MadTranslations to Localize User Manuals in Six Languages

“MadTranslations was able to provide translations at a reasonable price, and also have the perk of working closely with MadCap Software, which gave me confidence that they know the ins and outs of a MadCap Flare project.”

Erik Bergman
Technical Writer | Primozone


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Mitchell International, Leading Provider of Property and Casualty Claim Solutions, Relies on MadTranslations to Localize 30-Plus Online Help and Documentation Projects

“The attention to detail in the MadTranslations samples was extraordinary because it understood the technical end of assembly and troubleshooting. As a person implementing the solution, that’s huge.”
Photo of Don Rasky

Don Rasky
Senior Technical Writer | Mitchell International, Inc.

Avtec Chooses MadTranslations Service to Deliver Localized Software and Documentation

“Working with MadTranslations, we have beat every estimated project date with impressive accuracy, responsiveness, and advice on terminology for different locales. MadTranslations has consistently provided us with high quality translation and localization, responsive service, competitive pricing, and an understanding of our authoring environment.”
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Tracy Stone
Manager of Technical Communications | Avtec