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MadCap Flare

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Using MadCap Flare to Support Your International Content Strategy

Webinar Summary

Presented By:

Jose Sermeno, Product Evangelist | MadCap Software, Inc.,
Scott Bass, Strategic Advisor and Consultant | MadTranslations, Inc.

Writing for business today has changed; your content must be written knowing that, in all likelihood, it will be used for an international audience in some capacity. This webinar will highlight how features in MadCap Flare can be used to help support your company’s international content strategy. This webinar will address:

  • How to structure your Flare projects to support translation
  • Which features help localization
  • What are the most common errors authors make that inhibit a smooth translation process
  • Which translation process is best when using Flare

Join Scott Bass, MadTranslations Production Manager, alongside Jose Sermeno MadCap Software Project Evangelist, as they discuss how to best prepare your content for an international audience. If you are currently translating content or considering translation in the future, this is a webinar you don’t want to miss.